Photo by Mohit Gupta

Editor’s Note: March 2021

Breathe. Feel Each Breath.

Just stop. Put away the phone. Even put it on silent for just these few minutes. Or if you are reading this on your phone then please ideally put it on airplane mode just for these three to four minutes. This editorial is already on your phone and fully accessible by now. It will not hurt. I promise. 

Take three deep breaths before you begin to read this. And feel each breath. Feel the muscles relax. Feel the face and eyes relax. Feel each breath nourish your body and soul, just like each bite of food. Bring your focus on what you are about to read. You are now ready to read.

We live our lives taking our breath for granted. Not only our breath but everything around us for granted. The people who love us, the space we call home, the world we live in and frankly life itself. We live and plan our lives as if we shall live for eternity. Rather than thinking that this might be our very last breath and really savouring each breath and each moment.

“To Breathe” in the literal sense and in the figurative sense are both very critical. We not only must be mindful of every breath we inhale but must also stop and take a moment to really experience all that is going on around us. 

Take a deep breath before u respond in a tough situation just to calm yourself. Or when you are annoyed, take a few deep breaths before taking any action. I would even say just wait it out and perhaps the anger shall pass. And an unnecessary emotional response shall be averted. 

Take three deep belly breaths I was told recently before starting a meal. It helps to connect better the food you are about to eat. Follow that with some deliberate chewing. Eat slow. And taste every morsel. Chew till there is no solid left in your mouth. This process suddenly changes so many things for you. This deliberate way of eating means, that you cannot talk during meals, that it takes very long to eat and it feels extremely nourishing as you are so focused on enjoying what you are eating. You truly connect with what you are eating. We have to take the distractions away though. Especially the ubiquitous mobile device. Keep it away. 

There are some moments when we really connect with our breath. On finishing a tough task, we heave a sigh of relief. On seeing a stunning view, we would take a breath to steady ourselves and perhaps even whistle. On finishing a run, we will be panting to catch our breath. On seeing our children excel our chests will swell with pride and we could be caught literally holding on to our breath and holding back tears of pride. 

Another way to connect our breath is to consciously do some breathing exercises as a part of our morning routine. And after the breathing remember to do some much-needed stretches. Movement is all the rage now. We must keep our bodies moving to be able to stay in shape. Do not sit on your desk for too long. 

During this last year, many of us have felt locked-in and claustrophobic. Cabin fever has been a reality for many and given any chance we have grabbed it to go out into the open and truly feel and wind and breath in nature. I for one, ran away to the mountains to experience great air as soon as I could. And the mountains of northern India are truly magnificent.

This month we bring you many perspectives on our ability to break our shackles and truly breath. Please do join us in our journey as we explore some heart-warming and delightful perspectives shared by our team and many of our guest writers. And if you ever feel inspired then do reach out to us and we could publish your thoughts too. This month’s theme is “Breathe” and for April 2021 it is “Gratitude”. See what inspires you. We would love to hear from you.

Our lead article this week is by the most lovely Lulu Mc Dowell, Irish by birth and now a resident of Provence. You will surely enjoy reading about her blue door. 

Best wishes for the month ahead from all of us at ROADFOLK. May the woes of the pandemic progressively continue to release us from their clutches.

Life is a process of discovery and we only feel easy and free once we are able to truly connect with who we are. Most importantly we accept and love who we are. Then honestly that sigh of relief feels really good. 

Only if there is breath there is life. Let life take your breath away.

God Bless!

Mohit Gupta

5th March 2021

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